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Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Call Today: (724) 295-4599
Location: 141 Industrial Drive • Schenley, PA 15682

Our Products

Credit CardsWe Accept: 

Bulk De-icing Products

Armstrong Terminal, Inc. offers a variety of products to assist you with your snow removal and deicing activities this winter. A sample of our products include:

Rock Salt BulkRock Salt - Bulk

Bulk rock salt is an economical way to remove snow and ice during harsh winter weather conditions. Rock Salt melts effectively to 15° F. Our bulk rock salt is sold by the net ton and is available for pick up at our terminal located in Schenley, Pennsylvania.

Current Price: 

Less than 5 net tons - $103.00/Net Ton
More than 5 net tons - $93.00/Net Ton

Rock Salt Bulk

Rock Salt BulkRock Salt - 50 lbs. Bags

Bagged rock salt comes in 50 lbs. bags and is a convenient and economical way to remove snow and ice during harsh winter weather conditions. Rock Salt melts effectively to 15° F. Our bagged rock salt is sold by the bag or by the pallet and is available for pick up at our terminal located in Schenley, Pennsylvania.

Current Price: $6.49/50 lbs. Bag
Current Price: $318.01/Pallet of 50 lbs. Bags
(A pallet contains 49 bags equaling 2,450 lbs.)


Rock Salt Bulk

Rock Salt BulkCalcium Chloride Pellets - 50 lbs. Bags

Calcium Chloride Pellets are an economical and efficient way to remove snow and ice during harsh winter weather conditions. Calcium Chloride melts effectively to -25° F and is less corrosive on concrete surfaces than Rock Salt. Our Calcium Chloride Pellets are sold by the bag or by the pallet and is available for pick up at our terminal located in Schenley, Pennsylvania.

Current Price: $16.99/50 lbs. Bag
Current Price: $934.45/Pallet of 50 lbs. Bags
(A pallet contains 55 bags equaling 2,750 lbs.)

Rock Salt Bulk

Calcium Chloride Flakes - 50 lbs. Bags

Calcium Chloride Flakes are an economical and efficient way to remove snow and ice during harsh winter weather conditions. Calcium Chloride melts effectively to -25° F and is less corrosive on concrete surfaces than Rock Salt. Our Calcium Chloride Flakes are sold by the bag or by the pallet and is available for pick up at our terminal located in Schenley, Pennsylvania.

Current Price: $11.99/50 lbs. Bag
Current Price: $517.92/Pallet of 50 lbs. Bags
(A pallet contains 48 bags equaling 2,400 lbs.)

Credit Cards